Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Long Weekend!

So Orion and I planned on spending this long weekend in Fresno with his parents. We were going to leave after I got off work last night, which would be around 10:30. Leaving at that time would put us at his parents around one in the morning. WELL, turns out our car hates us a lot and decided to pull another spark plug! This time we caught it before we were on the road and it only cost 90 bucks to get fixed. So instead of spending the weekend with the in-laws and having a yummy bbq on Monday, we are staying home. I am a little bummed, but this means that Orion can do all the chores around the house I have been wanting him to do for awhile now. Like finally put together or bookcase so it is not sitting in pieces on our floor. He is currently hammering away putting it together. This makes me happy :) Also he made a breakfast face again this morning.I think tomorrow will have waffles or pancakes, I wonder how he will make a face with that.

On a random note here is one of my favorite candid shots taking after we were sealed.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life so Far

So we have been married for a month and a half. Good news we still love each other! ;) I have proof, Orion makes me breakfast on Saturday mornings.

We are very busy with life, school and lets not forget work! I am a nanny for the cutest little boys! Konner steals my heart!

I have apparently stole his older brother's heart. His name is Austin and he is six.
He asks me all the time if I will kiss him on the lips. I tell him "No, Austin I only kiss Orion on the lips because he is my husband". The other day I took the kids and dropped Orion off at work, I kissed him goodbye and got back in the car. Austin said to me as soon as I got in "Did you just kiss him on the lips"? "Yes I did". "I wish you kissed me on lips" he said with a sad look on his face. "There is only one person I kiss on the lips and that is Orion, my husband". Quick thinking Austin said "When Orion is older are you going to want to get a new husband"? He later asked me if he could be my boyfriend when he was 9 because he would be older than. I keep trying to teach him that I am married and that there is no way he can kiss me or date me. It is so cute! He asked if he could live with me because he loves me. I broke his heart and said no. He also likes to draw me pictures with him, his brother and me. When I ask where is Orion? He tells me that he is at work.

So there are the little boys of my summer but here is the man of my life!

Orion is dancing with our niece Anna at our reception. He is the best husband! For my nanny job I have to be there by 6:45am and Orion wakes up with me every morning. It is only twice a week so it is not that bad. My days there are about 13 hours long. So Orion goes to work and then watches the kids with me until 7:30 or so at night. On the nights where I work at my other job, which is at night, he comes home and cleans the apartment. He is great!