Saturday, December 31, 2011


Well I graduated from college about two weeks ago. It was rather uneventful. I did not walk in my graduation, driving 16 hours to walk was not really an option. Although, I am a little sad that I missed out on that opportunity. All that really matters is that I get my diploma in the mail. That little piece of paper cost me thousands or dollars and countless hours in front of the computer.

To celebrate we went to sushi, my favorite thing in the world almost. Orion had just gotten his wisdom teeth removed the day before so he did not really enjoy the food. Don't worry I knew I was pregnant when we got sushi and I only got the cooked rolls. My parents sent me money and that was the extent of celebrating. Until I got a package in the mail.

My Nana and Papa sent me a graduation present. A pearl and gold necklace and bracelet. I was so surprised at the gift. My Nana said she wanted to give me something that I could show my children one day and tell them where I got. I think it is so pretty and much more exciting then walking in a graduation ceremony. Although, I would have loved to wear this necklace and bracelet at my wedding. Maybe my future daughter/s will want to wear it.

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