Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I am a sucker for breakfast! I think it is the best meal in the world. Whenever I go to a place that serves breakfast all day long, nine times out of ten I will order breakfast no matter the time of day. Now Orion is a pretty good cook, but prefers that I cook dinner because he has worked all day long. To this request I happily say yes. It seems like a fair deal. At the moment I am not working or going to school, it is so weird to have all day to do what I please. I find myself wishing I was more creative, but that is not the point of this post. If I am going to make dinner every night Orion is going to make breakfast on the weekends. This is a great deal if I do say so myself. Lucky for me Orion is great at making breakfast and sometimes when I am not feeling up to making dinner he will make breakfast for dinner. Seriously how could I ask for a better husband?!? Well I asked him to make me a face for breakfast this Sunday and he happily did so. He made biscuits, along with eggs and bacon. Here is the result.
I know it looks a little funny because the biscuit cheeks are a little off, but it was delicious! Orion is really good at making food look like faces. On a semi random note we have been married for 4 months now! It is crazy how time flies when you are not paying attention. Before I know it we will have been married for a year and then a life time. I am so glad I was able to marry my best friend and look forward to many more breakfasts with him.

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