The other day I decided to make some banana bread. I just love it and it is pretty easy to make. I am not the best cook in the world, but I would consider myself a pretty good baker. If ever asked to bring something to a party/gathering I would pick baking something over cooking something. I just enjoy baking much more than cooking. Orion can attest to that because I have him cook dinner whenever I can. While making the banana bread I decided that peanut butter would be a wonderful addition, which it was. Once I added that I felt like I needed to add something else and what is better than chocolate chips? Nothing I tell you. I was so happy when I was making the bread from scratch that I decided it needed a smile too.
I was sad when Orion got home and ate part of the face. I tried to make him eat around it so the smile would last as long as possible, but he did not listen.
Super cute! I'm allergic to banana's though. I've never had banana bread.