Monday, June 18, 2012

Shaver Lake

I am the worst at taking pictures and to be honest so is Orion. Well when we actually take pictures they are not bad, we just always forget to bring a camera. So here is a picture from Shaver Lake that we did not take,  just so you can have a reference of where I am talking about.
We went up to Shaver Lake last week to bring Orion's brother a free bed. He is working at a summer camp up there with his wife. They have been married for a month or so now. Personally I would hate to live and work at a summer camp right after getting married, but they seem happy about it. I also wanted to go up because it meant getting off the surface of the sun! It is a billion degrees here or maybe the high 90's to 100's. Either way being 36 weeks pregnant in this weather is horrible. 

I have always been grouchy when the weather is hot. I just have a problem dealing with it. I say it is a curse, maybe it is something I can work on... someday. It was at least 20 degrees cooler up in the mountains than on the surface of the sun. You would think the temperature difference would be more, but you can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes you get what you need and going up to Shaver was exactly what I needed!

We packed our own lunch and had a little picnic up there by the water.  I was in heaven! This living far from the ocean business is really killing me. I have never lived so far from the ocean for such a long period of time. I might dry up soon. After spending some time with Orion's brother and wife we decided to get ice cream. Let's be honest hear what pregnant lady does not love ice cream? Well we spent $7 on two ice cream cones in town. OUCH! I was so happy to be off the surface of the sun I did not even care that my ice cream cone was highly over priced. 

By the end of the day my arm (not arms, just one arm. The one that was sitting on the window ledge most of the hour drive to and from Shaver.) was sun burned. Oh yeah I forgot that I am arctic white (at least according to my mother-in-law). Good thing I have aloe vera gel to turn my burn into a tan. It looks mighty fine if you ask me. 

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